Our summer in Greece: part 3 (Paros)

Day 11: Arriving in Paros.

After a short trip (45 minutes) from Naxos, we arrived at 10:15 on Paros. The harbor was a bit more crowded than Naxos when we arrived. But, there were 3 ferries arriving, so it isn’t so strange… We had some issues to pick up our car. First we had to wait an hour and when we tried to lock the car, it wasn’t working. So they told us we should have a new car at 18:00.

Despite we couldn’t lock the car, we headed to the butterfly valley. It’s much smaller than the one in Rhodes, but it was okay. After we drove to restaurant Aeoli at the sea to have our lunch: we shared a pizza gyros with tzatziki.

By now it was already 19:30 and we still didn’t had received our new car. So after some callings we finally received our car at 20:00. That are the Greek times… We headed to the village Naousa to have a dinner. There we found a really nice restaurant, called Mare Nostrum. We were sitting next to a fishing boat and we could choose a piece of tuna which they had caught today. It was very delicious. After a walk through the small streets with white houses, we drove back to our apartment.

Day 12: Exploring the beaches.

So today we drove all around the island, to explore the beaches of Paros. First we stopped at beach Glifa, on the south of the island. A nice beach with rocks, so it’s better to wear some water shoes. The water is very clear, but because of the clear water we could see some sea urchins. So be careful when you go there.

We explored the beaches at Legaras, but these were a bit busy, so we drove further. Another beautiful and quiet beach is Kalogeros. The only thing: you have to be careful a bit, because the passing ships can make some big waves. We also had our lunch in this area at a small Greek taverna.

After driving for a while to the north, we found our perfect, beautiful beach. A sandy beach, some rocks in the sea and very, very crystal clear blue water. It looked like the pictures you can see from the Maldives. So we didn’t had to think so long: We stayed here the afternoon.

This evening we decided to have our dinner at Parikia. We ate a delicious pizza, while watching the sunset.

Day 13: Visiting Lefkes.

The island of Paros has 3 big villages, Pirikia and Naoussa are the most famous ones, but on the third place is Lefkes. This city is located in the middle of the island up on the hills. The city has the same look as the other old villages on the island, this means white houses and narrow streets. But the church in the middle of the village is an exception. This one is way bigger than normal. TIP: check on what time you can visit the church, its closed between 13:00 and 18:00.

After wandering around in the village we decided it was time to visit another beach of Paros. This time we found one close to our apartment, but it wasn’t as nice as the beach of yesterday.

We ended this day with a drink on our own balcony while enjoying the sunset.

Day 14: Parikia and Naousa.

Both villages have a lot in common. But there is a big different: where Parikia has the main port for all the ferry’s, Naousa has the fishingboats. Today we visit both villages. The old center of Parikia is very nice to wander around, but for dinner you need to be at sea side.

While wandering around Parikia you may find the city church at the edge of the old town. To enter the church you need to be dressed properly. Lucky enough they have dresses prepared for the ladies.

Finally we had time to eat the famous Greek pita gyros. It’s just a pita with gyros and some vegetables but it does taste amazing.

Later this day we headed for the town of Naousa. This is as mentioned before, almost the same layout in the old town. Here it was time to eat the sun-dried mackerel, you can only eat this at Naousa.

Day 15 / 16: The last trip.

Tomorrow we go to Athene, but today we visit the beach again.While heading to the beach we did grab some lunch from the old town of Pirikia. Also we made a little change for our next trip. instead of just a ticket for the ferry we decided to book a cabin to Athene.

After packing our bags we headed for our ferry to Athene, while getting on board we were happy that we booked the cabin, the boat was very busy. Unfortunately this was our last day on the greek islands. Hope to come back here soon!

Do you want to read our Part 1 or Part 2 please click:

Our summer in Greece: part 1

Our summer in Greece: part 2

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